The muscles and ligaments at the base of the buttocks support the organs in the abdomen, such as the bladder, uterus, small and large intestines. If the tissues supporting them lose their elasticity and strength, these organs can sag lower and even protrude outwards.
In bladder prolapse, the bladder forms a swelling from the weakened and loosened vaginal wall into the vagina. Sometimes it can even protrude out of the vagina. It mostly develops after excessive stretching as a result of difficult childbirth, chronic constipation or excessive heavy lifting. It can also develop after menopause. Because the hormone estrogen, which strengthens the muscles at the base of the buttocks, has now decreased.
What are the Symptoms?
In mild cases, there may not even be any swelling.
– There is a feeling of fullness and pressure in the vagina, especially when standing for a long time.
– There is increased discomfort when coughing, straining and heavy lifting.
– In severe cases, there is a swelling that protrudes from the vagina. This swelling is soft and between the size of a hazelnut and a grapefruit. And it usually disappears when you go to bed.
– After urinating, you may feel that your bladder is not completely empty.
– You may leak urine when laughing, sneezing and coughing. In advanced cases, there may even be complete incontinence.
– Frequent recurrent urinary tract infections develop.
– There may be pain or leakage of urine during sexual intercourse.
Why Does It Happen?
The most common cause of bladder prolapse is pregnancy and childbirth. This is because the muscles and ligaments relax and weaken. It is therefore easier for bladder prolapse to develop after many pregnancies and births. However, of course, there is no rule that it will develop in every pregnant woman and woman who gives birth. Every woman has a different muscle and ligament structure, and those who are strong will not develop such a problem. Caesarean section births are also less likely to develop. If you are overweight, constantly lifting heavy loads, have chronic constipation, chronic bronchitis or cough, your pelvic floor muscles will be overstretched and it will be easier for bladder prolapse to occur.
What are the Risk Factors?
– Giving birth : The risk is particularly high in those who have had many normal births.
– Age : As muscle and nerve functions decrease and weaken in older ages, bladder prolapse develops more easily due to the effect of decreasing estrogen.
– Removal of the uterus: The absence of the uterus in the abdomen causes weakness at the base of the hip.
– Genetic causes : Some women have stronger muscles and ligaments, others weaker.
When is it necessary to see a doctor?
In mild cases, you will not know about it and no medical intervention is required. In moderate and severe cases, you will need to see your doctor if you experience any of the symptoms, discomfort or pain.
How is the diagnosis made?
During the gynecological examination, the swelling in the vagina will be examined and you will be asked to push to check whether the bladder or other organs are coming out of the vagina.
How is the treatment done?
Treatment options will vary depending on the severity of your condition.
– A plastic supportive material can be inserted into the vagina to push the bladder into place. A large tampon can also be used instead. There are women who have used it for years.
– After menopause, the hip floor muscles can be strengthened by using estrogen in tablet or cream form.
– In more severe and uncomfortable cases, surgery is inevitable. The vaginal wall is repaired and the prolapsed bladder is replaced. In this way, you can continue your life without any problems for years. However, there is still a possibility of recurrence. In this case, a second operation can be performed, but patching may be necessary as the tissues become thinner.
How to Prevent?
– Do Kegel exercises. These are movements to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. They are especially important after having a baby. Tighten your muscles as if you are stopping while urinating and count to five, relax, count to five and repeat 10-15 times. Do this three times a day.
– Be careful not to get constipated, eat plenty of fiber foods.
– Do not lift too heavy loads.
– Do not smoke and get treatment for diseases that cause persistent coughing, such as bronchitis.
– Take care of your diet, get rid of excess weight.