Vaginal Bleeding during Pregnancy

There are many causes of vaginal bleeding or spotting during pregnancy. Some are serious and some are not. But you need to know when to tell your doctor. It is a bit frightening to see even a small amount of blood when you are pregnant. Sometimes this bleeding can be a sign of a problem, […]
Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable, even if you don’t like it. However, it is important that you gain the ideal weight that is adequate for your baby’s growth and development and that will not cause problems for you to lose weight later on. There is no single approach to weight gain. Because many factors […]
How Should Weight Gain Be During Pregnancy?

This will actually depend a little bit on your pre-pregnancy weight and height. The number that indicates the relationship between height and weight is the body mass index (BMI). This is body weight (in kg) divided by the square of your height (in meters). If your BMI is between 18 and 25, that is, if […]
Radiation and Fetus

In short, teratogenic agents are physical or chemical substances that cause anatomical or cytogenetic damage to the embryo as it continues its normal development. Radiation occupies a special place among these teratogenic agents. Some effects may occur immediately (miscarriages), others may occur later (teratogenic effects at birth) or over a very long period of time […]
Genetic Diseases

Our genetic information determines our physical makeup. These genes come from our parents. Every cell in our body has 46 chromosomes. A normal male sperm and female egg have 23 chromosomes. When they are fertilized, they form a new cell with 46 chromosomes. One pair of these chromosomes are sex chromosomes, called X and Y. […]
Pregnancy and the Digestive System

Women are more prone than men to some digestive system diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome (irritable bowel syndrome) even when they are not pregnant. It is known that the digestive system functions of women also show some differences from men during menstrual periods. Pregnancy is a very special period in which women’s physiology and […]
Placement of the Placenta Down (Plazenta Previa)

It is a condition in which the placenta, the partner, is located lower down in the uterus, which can cause excessive bleeding. After fertilization, the placenta begins to form. The placenta takes oxygen and nutrients from the mother’s blood, allowing the baby to grow and develop. It is the structure between the uterine wall and […]
Mole Pregnancy

A mole pregnancy is an abnormal condition of the placenta, the partner, caused by a problem during fertilization. The placenta grows rapidly in the uterus, forming a cyst-shaped mass. It is like a benign cancer and ends in miscarriage. There are two types of mole pregnancy. – Complete mole. There is only an abnormal placenta […]
Puerperium and Baby Care Discharge Training

Puerperium Training Bleeding : Vaginal bleeding will continue for about 40 days. The amount of this bleeding may be as much as menstrual bleeding for the first 1 week. Then your bleeding will continue as brown, yellow and white discharge and will stop at the end of 40 days. You should consult your doctor if […]
Twin Pregnancy

If you have found out that you are pregnant with twins, you may be quite surprised. However, this condition occurs in three out of every 100 pregnant women. And this number is increasing every day. Here we will tell you what you need to be aware of for yourself and your babies. Many women are […]