This distress and anxiety, which we call anxiety, is also a condition that needs to be treated. Most women with depression and anxiety are undiagnosed. This is because women often deny the existence of these feelings. If you are feeling unwell, do not hesitate to talk to your doctor about it. Remember that your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Indeed, poor mental health can worsen your physical health. Research has shown that depression can increase the risk of preterm birth. Left untreated, depression can also impair your baby’s development by making you neglect self-care.
What are the Risk Factors
A family or personal history of depression. If you have had depression in the past, you are at a slightly higher risk of having it again than other people. You are also more susceptible to depression if you have not been diagnosed with depression before, but are easily upset and distressed in stressful situations. Troubled relationships. If you are in a troubled relationship and cannot talk things out, you should seek counseling. Don’t think that everything will improve with the birth of your baby. A new baby will only add more problems to your relationship. So if you have a problem, don’t put off professional help for a solution.
Difficult conception. If you are having trouble conceiving, you are under a lot of stress. You have undergone many procedures and procedures to conceive, you have suffered for months, and you have been in constant expectation of pregnancy. Now you are pregnant, but the fear of losing it is also weighing on you. When you add all this up, it will be easier for you to become depressed.
Previous pregnancies ended in miscarriage. If you have lost a baby before, you will of course be worried about this pregnancy. If your loss is very recent or there have been many miscarriages, your physical and emotional recovery may not be complete. You have to deal with all this while trying to conceive.
If you have developed pregnancy-related illnesses. If you have a high-risk pregnancy or have developed a pregnancy-related illness, you may feel distressed. Especially if you have to be on bed rest or undergo a number of genetic tests. This is more pronounced in women with twin pregnancies.
Stress in your life. Financial problems, job changes, moving house, moving away from work and major life changes (death of someone very close, separation, loss of job) can cause you serious distress. A history of sexual abuse. A history of sexual, physical, emotional or verbal abuse can lead to feelings of helplessness, loneliness and low self-esteem. All of these predispose to depression. Pregnancy can bring back bad memories of the past. Changes in your body can also cause you to lose control. Other risk factors. You are at a slightly higher risk of developing depression if you are young and single, or if you have had an unplanned pregnancy.
What are the symptoms
In fact, some of the symptoms can also be seen in normal pregnancies, such as weakness, fatigue and sleep problems. However, if these symptoms are accompanied by sadness, hopelessness and a decrease in other functions, depression is one of the diseases that should be considered. If you are unable to carry out your daily tasks and are thinking of harming yourself, contact your doctor immediately. Do not see seeing a psychiatrist as a weakness. On the contrary, it is an important step for your health and the health of your baby. Tell your doctor if you develop three or more of the following symptoms for more than two weeks. You cannot be happy or enjoy anything, you feel sad, unhappy or empty all day, every day, for most of the day, you find it difficult to concentrate on something, you are overly sensitive, excited or cry a lot, you have difficulty sleeping or are constantly asleep, If you have a lot of fatigue, if it is endless, if you have a constant desire to eat or, on the contrary, if you don’t want to eat anything, if you have feelings of guilt, hopelessness or worthlessness, sometimes mental changes can also develop in the form of a disease called bipolar disorder, which follows depression with excessive cheerfulness and mobility. Treatment is also important.
How to treat depression during pregnancy
During pregnancy, both psychotherapy and antidepressant medication can be used. Do not try to self-medicate with herbal products. The safety of such herbal products during pregnancy is not known. Their effectiveness is also questionable.
What to do to prevent depression during pregnancy
Since depression is caused by biochemical conditions in the brain, it may not be possible to prevent it. But if you take care of yourself and try to keep your emotions up, you can help reduce the symptoms. Try to be relaxed. You may want to get a lot of things done before your baby is born. Cleaning the house, baby care and many other things may be waiting for you. However, do not rush. Make a list of what needs to be done. Give yourself priority. Because after your baby is born, you won’t have much time for yourself. Read a book, have breakfast in bed, take nice long walks.
Do things that make you feel good. Remember that for your baby to be well, you need to be well first. Spend quality time with your partner. To have a good relationship with your partner, do things together that you enjoy. Go on a vacation if possible. It is good to strengthen your relationship before the birth of your baby. Talking can help you relax. So share your fears and worries with your partner, friends and relatives.
Learn to cope with stress. Don’t let the troubles in your life bring you down. Find ways to relax emotionally. Take a break, get plenty of sleep, exercise and eat well. If your distress continues to increase, try yoga or meditation.
What happens after birth
In about half of women who suffer from depression during pregnancy, depression may persist after the birth. However, this risk is reduced if treatment is received. Apart from treatment, the following can be done: Take care of yourself and make it a habit. Take short breaks and rest after your baby is born. Talk about what you can share with your partner about caring for your baby and household chores. Talk to your friends and relatives in advance so that they are ready to help when your baby is born. It is good if you can get help with cleaning and cooking. In the meantime, you can make time for sleeping, showering and short walks.