Development of the Mother’s Body According to the Months of Pregnancy

First Months of Pregnancy
1st month of pregnancy
First Signs of Pregnancy
As a result of the changes in your hormones during pregnancy, you may experience one or more of the following, which decrease after the 12th week Delayed menstruation, breast enlargement, tightness, tenderness, nausea, vomiting, metallic taste in the mouth, change in interest in food, e.g. aversion to alcohol or coffee, cravings for certain foods, tiredness, weakness, increased vaginal discharge, frequent urination, emotionality.
2nd month of pregnancy
Calculating the time of birth
On the first day of the last menstrual period, 280 days are added. Although the gestation period is considered to be 40 weeks, 38 to 42 weeks is considered normal.
Things to consider during this period;
Smoking, alcohol and medicines taken without consulting a doctor are harmful during pregnancy, especially in the first 3 months when the baby’s organs are developing. Avoid contact with cat and dog feces and raw meat. They can carry a prasite called toxoplasma, which can be harmful to the baby.
3rd month of pregnancy
Adjusting to pregnancy
The nausea, vomiting and frequent urination seen in early pregnancy decrease after this period. Constipation may occur as bowel movements slow down. If you have not vomited excessively, you are expected to gain 1-2 kg during this period. This corresponds to 10% of the weight gained during the whole pregnancy. You may be overly emotional during this period due to hormonal changes.
Things to consider during this period;
Consult a doctor for check-ups. Eat fresh food and a balanced diet. Drink plenty of water and eat fiber foods such as green vegetables to prevent constipation. Wear a suitable bra to support the breasts. Have your teeth checked.
4th month of pregnancy
The pregnancy is now obvious;
You start to feel more energetic. It becomes obvious that you are pregnant. Your skin may darken. Your breasts get bigger. Your waist starts to thicken. You may have a dark line on the top of your belly. Shortly after birth, this line disappears.
Things to consider during this period;
Since your appetite starts to increase during this period, you should eat healthy and watch your weight. You should prefer loose and comfortable clothes. A danger; anemia… Anemia is still very common in our country. If the increased need for iron during pregnancy is not met properly, anemia becomes an important problem. Anemia can harm the mother and the baby; a mother with anemia has a higher risk of miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight baby, stillbirth. It is appropriate to start iron supplementation during this period to prevent the development of anemia.
5th month of pregnancy
The pregnancy is progressing;
The first milk may come from the breasts, this should only be wiped away, the breast should not be squeezed. Skin darkening may increase. Back pain, tension in the groin, vaginal discharge, bleeding gums are common complaints. Since your baby is growing fast and you are entering a period of rapid weight gain, you should pay close attention to healthy nutrition.
Things to consider during this period;
You should take care of yourself. You should wear comfortable clothes and shoes. You should start thinking about baby furniture and clothes.
6th month of pregnancy
The best times of pregnancy;
You will feel better and fitter during this period. Weight gain may accelerate.
Things to consider during this period;
You should rest by putting your feet up at every opportunity. You should avoid clothes that tighten your waist and legs. You should drink plenty of water as your sensitivity to heat will increase.
7th month of pregnancy
The pregnancy continues to progress;
She may have digestive difficulties and cramps. Cracks may appear in the abdomen. There may be sleep disturbances.
Things to consider during this period;
You should visit your doctor more often. You should rest frequently during the day and go to bed early at night. You should rest by lifting your feet up at every opportunity.
8th month of pregnancy
The baby will be here any minute;
You may feel heavy and cumbersome. You may not sleep well.
What is happening;
A growing baby can put pressure on your internal organs, causing breathing difficulties and frequent urination. You may leak urine while running, laughing or coughing. You should rest as much as possible and lie down in the middle of the day. If your weight gain is high, you should reduce carbohydrates. It is ideal if your average weight gained during pregnancy is between 10-12 kg. You can already buy the essentials you need for your baby.
9th month of pregnancy
Sweet excitement
If you are working, you should be on maternity leave and have started preparations for the birth. You may be excited about the responsibilities of being a mother during this period.
What is happening
In this period, as the baby’s head enters the pelvic cavity, complaints of heartburn, digestion and breathing difficulties are few. Since the baby’s head presses on the bladder, the frequency of urination may increase. You should avoid work that can tire you out.
10th month of pregnancy
Now the baby’s coming
The excitement of the birth begins, you may want the birth to take place as soon as possible.
What is happening
False labor pains can mislead you into thinking that labor has started. They are not regular or frequent. Get plenty of rest during this period Do not miss your doctor’s check-ups, the birth can happen at any time.
After months of preparation and waiting, you can now hold your baby in your arms. You will understand him better and better, and you will witness something new every day.
Common Complaints and Solutions During Pregnancy
The letters next to the complaints indicate the period of pregnancy when these problems are most common.
a:First three months
b:Second trimester
c:Last three months
Common complaints and precautions during pregnancy
Pregnancy stretch marks
These stretch marks, which are due to the stretching of the skin as a result of weight gain and hormones, are especially evident on the abdomen, buttocks and upper parts of the legs. They are more common in women with pre-pregnancy cellulite as their subcutaneous tissue is weak. The elasticity of the skin can be increased with swimming and light gymnastics. Massage your abdomen, buttocks and legs regularly with cream. Even if these cracks cannot be prevented, they lighten in color and become pearlescent.
Varicose Veins and Importance
During pregnancy, complaints such as varicose veins and edema in the legs may occur or be exacerbated. Massage your legs with cold water. You can use compression stockings. Keep your feet elevated when sitting. Drink juice.
Constipation and Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids and constipation are common and uncomfortable during pregnancy. Drink a glass of water before breakfast. Drink plenty of water, fruit juice and herbal tea. Move and exercise a lot. Try to eat foods with fiber.
Fluid coming from the breasts
After the sixth month, a thick liquid called colostrum (first milk) may come from the breasts. This is the first milk that contains the nutrients the baby needs in the first few days. Just wiping this milk is enough. Do not squeeze your breasts to get more milk.
Nausea and Vomiting
In some pregnant women, it may not occur at all, while in others it may be severe enough to require intravenous feeding. It usually resolves spontaneously after 4 months. Eat small, frequent meals. Avoid fatty foods and coffee. Consult your doctor in case of excessive vomiting leading to loss of water and salt.
It is felt as heartburn and may be more pronounced, especially when lying down. Avoid smoking, alcohol, coffee, sugar, fried and very spicy foods. Try to drink half a liter of warm milk a day. Eat light food in the evening and raise the head of your bed.
Muscle Cramps
It is an uncomfortable condition that is common during pregnancy, mostly in the legs. Stretch your leg muscles, keep them tense for a minute. Massage and stretch your legs and rest them. Eat calcium-rich foods such as milk and dairy products.
Anemia during pregnancy is often attributed to iron deficiency. It causes fatigue and weakness. Try to take iron-containing foods (meat, cherries, apricots, almonds, green vegetables.)
Don’t do it
Avoid over-exerting yourself. Do not smoke, drink alcohol, excessive tea and coffee. Do not use items that tighten the body such as tires and belts. Do not wear high-heeled shoes. Stay away from crowded and sick people. Do not consume too much salt, fat and sugary foods. Do not eat for two. Do not decide on your own and have tests such as X-rays or CT scans.
Consult Your Doctor
If your temperature rises. You develop a rash on your skin. If you have vaginal bleeding. If you have excessive swelling of your hands and face. You notice rapid weight gain or loss. You do not feel your child’s movements after the fourth month. You have dizziness, headaches, blurred vision. If you start to ache prematurely or if your water breaks.
Darkening of Skin Color
It is natural for the skin color to darken during pregnancy. Scars and moles on the body grow and darken. There may be a baby-shaped (pregnancy mask) brown discoloration on the face. Do not worry about this, it will pass after pregnancy.
Do it
Eat milk and dairy products for calcium, meat and similar products for protein and iron, and fruits and vegetables for vitamins. Eat five small meals instead of three main meals. Eat fibrous foods such as fresh green vegetables to prevent constipation. Pay attention to your diet and take the vitamins and minerals recommended by your doctor. Exercise to strengthen your muscles and make labor easier. Use a cotton bra that will support your breasts. Drink at least two liters of water a day to prevent inflammation of the urinary tract. Take care of your dental care. Weigh yourself once a week and record your weight. Take frequent baths.
Common Complaints in Childbirth and Pregnancy
During pregnancy, a number of conditions that are considered normal may occur due to hormonal changes or overloading of the body. Some symptoms should be taken seriously and reported to a doctor without delay.
Complaint Symptoms What can be done
Bleeding gums (a,b,c) During pregnancy, the gums soften, bleed easily and can become inflamed. As a result, decay and gum diseases may occur. Brush your mouth and teeth after eating. Be examined by your dentist and avoid X-rays and general anesthesia. Inform your dentist about the pregnancy.
Shortness of breath (b,c) Gasping for breath while working, walking or even talking. Towards the end of pregnancy, the growing baby presses on the diaphragm, which can make breathing difficult. Anemia can also cause shortness of breath. Most women experience anemia during pregnancy. This is usually due to iron deficiency. Anemia can have serious consequences for mother and baby. Physicians recommend iron medication for this.
Constipation (a,b,c) Progesterone, the pregnancy hormone, relaxes the intestinal muscles and slows down the work of the intestines. Constipation is the result. Eat fibrous foods and exercise regularly. Take the iron medicine with plenty of fluids and on a full stomach. If your problem does not improve, talk to your doctor and do not use laxatives.
Cramp(c )
Cramps may occur due to calcium deficiency.
Painful contractions in the feet and calves at night. Cramps may occur more often when the legs are tense and the toes are bent.
Massage the cramping leg or calf and walk for a few minutes after the pain subsides to improve blood circulation.
Fainting sensation (a,c) Dizziness, loss of balance, feeling the need to sit or lie down. Since blood pressure will be below normal during pregnancy, you may feel as if you are going to faint. Do not stay standing for a long time. When you feel sudden weakness, sit down and keep your head between your knees until you feel better. Do not take a hot bath or get out of bed suddenly. If you are lying on your back, get up on your side.
Frequent urination (a,c) Very frequent urge to urinate. It is seen as a result of the uterus putting pressure on the bladder. It usually disappears in mid-pregnancy. You can reduce waking up at night by drinking less water in the evening. Contact your doctor if you experience burning during urination, as this can be a sign of urinary tract inflammation.
Heartburn (c)
There is a strong burning sensation in the center of the chest. Due to hormonal changes, the valve at the entrance to the stomach relaxes during pregnancy, resulting in stomach acid entering the esophagus.
can escape back.
Avoid spices, fried and heavy foods and drink warm milk at night. Keep your head elevated in bed. Consult your doctor for a stomach acid suppressant.
Urinary incontinence(c) Incontinence when laughing, running, coughing or sneezing. It can be caused by weakening of the muscles in the urinary tract and also by the growing baby putting pressure on the bladder. Go to the toilet often. Do exercises to exercise the lower urinary muscles. Avoid heavy lifting and constipation.
Morning sickness(a)
Disgust and vomiting from cigarette smoke and certain foods. It occurs every day and at certain times in most women. Morning sickness, the first symptom of pregnancy, can occur at any time of the day. Although there is a risk of recurrence, it usually subsides after the twelfth week. An important factor that increases the effect of nausea
is intensity.
Try to eat something (dried fruit, biscuits, toast, etc.) and eat often but little throughout the day. Avoid smells and foods that cause nausea.
Hemorrhoids (b,c) Bleeding, itching and pain when going to the toilet. The baby’s head presses on the veins around the anus, disrupting blood circulation. If the hemorrhoids are mild, they will disappear without treatment after the baby is born. Do not stay on your feet for a long time. Be careful not to be constipated. You can use an ice pack to relieve itching in hemorrhoids. For example, when lying on your side, support your buttocks with a resting click.
Difficulty sleeping (a,b,c)
Difficulty sleeping. Some women have bad dreams about the birth or the baby that do not reflect reality. Sleep may be disturbed by the need to urinate frequently, the kicking of the baby or the discomfort of a growing belly.
A warm bath, reading or relaxation exercises before going to bed are helpful. You can use pillows in bed for a comfortable position. For example, you can support your buttocks with a pillow when lying on your side.
Pregnancy stretch marks (a,b,c) Red stretch marks on the breasts, abdomen and groin. During pregnancy, the skin stretches so much that stretch marks may appear on the skin. Excessive weight gain has an effect on these formations. They usually turn into fine lines and rarely disappear completely. Avoid rapid and excessive weight gain. It is useful to apply moisturizer to the skin. Creams and ointments do not cover it.
Sweating (b,c) Sweating even during the smallest activities, waking up at night in sweat. During pregnancy, increased blood flow in the skin and hormone changes cause sweating. Prefer cotton and wide clothes. Do not wear clothes made of fiber. do not wear clothes. Drink plenty of water. Your window may be left open when you go to bed at night.
Swelling of the fingers and wrists (c) Swelling of the ankles, which does not cause pain or discomfort, may occur. As a result of excess water retention in the body, swelling (edema) can be seen especially in the legs. This is nothing to worry about. Rest your legs by lifting them high frequently. Bend and unbend your fingers by holding your hands above your head. Do light exercises. Talk to your doctor about screening for pre-eclampsia.
Fungus (a,b,c) Severe itching and white discharge from the vagina and burning during urination may also occur. Hormonal changes during pregnancy increase the risk of developing vaginal thrush. Do not wash the vagina with soap. Also, do not wear nylon underwear, tight pants and vaginal deodorant.
Varicose veins (a,b,c) Swelling of the leg and calf veins, pain in the legs. Varicose veins in the legs can occur in the last months of life, more commonly in obese people or in those with a family history of varicose veins. Important factors that aggravate this problem are standing for a long time or crossing your legs. Rest by lifting your legs high. You can put a pillow under your feet when you lie down.
Rash (c)
It is seen in fat and sweating pregnant women due to hormonal changes.
– If you suffer from constant headaches.
– If you have blurred vision. Vaginal bleeding.
– If you have severe and prolonged stomach pain.
– If your water comes early.
– You urinate frequently and have burning when urinating.
– Swelling of the hands, feet, wrists.
– If frequent and severe vomiting occurs.
– After 28 weeks, if the baby does not move or moves less than 10 times in 12 hours.
– If the body temperature rises above 38 C.
Contact your doctor immediately.
– Shortness of breath
– If you run out of breath while climbing stairs, crouch down. Hold on to the railing to secure your balance.
– Cramp
– To get rid of painful cramps, massage your calf hard with one hand while holding your foot towards you with the other hand.
– Morning sickness
– Dry biscuits, toast or fruit are good for nausea and vomiting. Ginger biscuits and soda with drinks are useful.
– Nausea, insomnia
– Sleeping with a pillow on your back is good for these complaints.
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