Genital Aesthetic

Genital aesthetics may be applied by laser and surgical treatment methods. Because of the rapid wound healing, it can be applied with other aesthetic operations. Labioplasty and vaginoplasty are the most common methods.

An undesirable appearance in the genital area may affect the person’s psychology and sexual life negatively.

An unusual condition in the area may be a problem negatively affecting the psychology and sexual life of the person who wants to hide this from everyone. As a result, since 2 person is needed for sex, the partner would be definitely affected from this.

Female external genital organs consist of: mons pubis, the bony part under the umblicus, labia major (outer lips), labia minor (inner lips), clitoris (a conjunction of upper labia minor) and hymen. Problems related to sexual region can be examined in three parts : congenital, developmental and post-pregnancy problems.

Congenital problems may consist of external and internal genital organ abnormalities, growth impairment, overgrowth or abnormal growth. This condition may be detected at birth or may occur with menstrual problems in adolescence.

Development problems result from overgrowth or undergrowth of previously normal genital anatomy due to hormonal effects. This condition directly affects the psychology of the adolescent person.

Hormonal effects those increased significantly during pregnancy and withdrawal of hormonal effects after birth, birth trauma or surgical intervention called episiotomy leads to unwanted appearances in the genital area. Moreover, the most common condition due to increased age is the loss of elasticity and sagging in genital region.