How to stay at the recommended weight
Eat a healthy diet when you are pregnant. You can also ask your doctor about exercises that are suitable for you. Eating for two does not mean eating twice as much, as is often the case. In fact, your daily calorie needs only increase by 300 calories when you are pregnant. Moreover, this increase is even smaller in the first months. What happens if you eat more or less than this recommended amount? Studies have shown that women who gain too much weight during pregnancy have a higher risk of cesarean delivery. It will also be difficult to lose this weight after delivery and you will have to start the next pregnancy with extra weight. Overweight women also have a higher risk of developing problems such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. In addition, women who gain more than the recommended amount during pregnancy have babies with a higher birth weight.
This means increased risks for both mother and baby at birth. Women who start their pregnancies overweight also have a high risk that their children will be overweight or obese. Finally, women who were overweight before pregnancy are more likely to have problems starting and maintaining breastfeeding. Experts believe that there are many reasons for this. They believe that it is due to both poor milk production and difficulties in the breastfeeding position. Excess weight gained during pregnancy will exacerbate all these problems. On the other hand, women who start pregnancy underweight or who do not gain enough weight during pregnancy have a high risk of giving birth prematurely or having a low birth weight baby. If premature birth occurs too soon, it can cause serious health problems for the baby, even death.
Do most women gain the recommended weight?
According to recent studies, at least half of women gain more or less than the recommended weight. Most women who are underweight gain enough weight. But some women of normal weight and many women who are overweight and obese gain more than the recommended weight. This is why doctors will help pregnant women with information about the diet and exercise they need to eat and do to stay within the recommended weight limit.
How to cope with the difficulties associated with your changing body
If you have had trouble controlling your weight in the past or have never dieted in your life, it may be difficult for you to gain weight now. These difficulties are completely normal. Remember that some weight gain is necessary for a healthy pregnancy. However, you will keep the excess weight after your baby is born. If weight gain is causing you distress, know that you are not alone. Talk to other expectant mothers and share your problems.
How to get rid of excess weight after childbirth
Most of the weight will be gone some time after the birth. In general, mothers lose half of their pregnancy weight six weeks after delivery. The baby will weigh about 3.5 kg, and the placenta, the sac water and the excess water in the body will weigh about 4-5 kg. After all, remember that you have gained this weight in nine months and it will take that long or more to lose it. It is possible to get rid of excess weight with a healthy diet combined with regular exercise. But don’t start counting calories right away. As the mother of a newborn baby, you will need a lot of energy. Therefore, you should not neglect to take the nutrients your body needs. If you are patient and give your body a chance, you may even be surprised at how much weight you lose naturally, especially while breastfeeding. If you are having trouble losing weight despite all this, you can go to a dietitian or join a fitness club and get help from people who can help you lose weight in a healthy way.