If you no longer want children

Connecting the Tubes
(Tubal Ligation)
What is it?
Tubal ligation is a simple, safe, irreversible and effective family planning method available to women. It is the surgical ligation of the tubes between the ovaries and the uterus. It does not affect sexual intercourse.
What is not it?
Tubal ligation is not menopause. After the tubes are tied, there is no change in the woman’s appearance, sexual desire and competence, sexual satisfaction, menstrual bleeding.
How is it done?

Tubal ligation is a surgical procedure. If you want this to be done during a caesarean section, be sure to tell your doctor before you go to the operating room because there will be a consent form that you will have to sign with your partner present. It may be too late to tell you after you’ve been to the operating room.

If your births were normal and you want a tubal ligation procedure afterwards, this can be done laparoscopically with 1 cm incisions in the umbilicus and 2 0.5 cm incisions in the lower abdomen in a procedure that does not exceed 30 minutes.

How is it effective?
In the tubal ligation procedure, since the tubes are tied, the egg formed in the ovaries of the woman cannot combine with the male seed cell during sexual intercourse and fertilization does not occur.
When Does It Start to Protect?
Protection starts immediately after the procedure.
When is it performed?
It can be applied immediately after birth, miscarriage and abortion or at any time convenient for the woman. It is preferred to be applied after the end of menstruation.
Who is it suitable for?
Those who absolutely do not want more children. Couples who consciously and voluntarily decide to have this procedure.
How should the decision be made?
Since it is an irreversible family planning method, counseling service should be obtained before the procedure in order to avoid regrets in the future, a conscious decision should be made and the consent form should be signed by both spouses.
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