Tests during Pregnancy

When pregnancy is decided, the expectant mother should consult a specialist physician 3-4 months before pregnancy to find out whether there are any problems that may pose a risk during pregnancy. For example; some infectious diseases such as rubella and chickenpox can be investigated and vaccinations can be given if immunity is not detected. In the family history of the expectant mother, problems such as Mediterranean anemia, sickle cell anemia, pulmonary cystic fibrosis, history of Down syndrome can be determined. Problems such as diabetes, uterine fibroids, smoking, previous premature birth or miscarriage can be determined. Some of these problems may need to be addressed before the pregnancy starts, such as vaccination, treatment for diabetes or surgery to remove fibroids in the uterus.
The first examination should include general, physical and gynecological examination, determination of risk factors, laboratory blood count, TIT, urine culture, blood group determination (coombs test if there is a mismatch) antibody screening, rubella, syphilis, Hepatitis-B, Hepatitis-C, HIV, PAP smear test, vaginal culture if necessary. In the 3rd month, early screening test is done for Down syndrome. At 4 months, AFP test is performed to screen for anomalies in the baby’s nervous system. Between 4-6 months, 60% of the structural anomalies in the baby can be detected with a second level ultrasound. At 26-28 weeks, blood count, urinalysis and sugar screening are performed. If there is a blood incompatibility, the coombs test is repeated and a preventive injection for blood incompatibility is administered according to the result. Just before delivery, blood count, sugar and blood clotting tests should be performed. If there is a risky pregnancy, other tests may be added to these tests.
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