The first examination should include general, physical and gynecological examination, determination of risk factors, laboratory blood count, TIT, urine culture, blood group determination (coombs test if there is a mismatch) antibody screening, rubella, syphilis, Hepatitis-B, Hepatitis-C, HIV, PAP smear test, vaginal culture if necessary. In the 3rd month, early screening test is done for Down syndrome. At 4 months, AFP test is performed to screen for anomalies in the baby’s nervous system. Between 4-6 months, 60% of the structural anomalies in the baby can be detected with a second level ultrasound. At 26-28 weeks, blood count, urinalysis and sugar screening are performed. If there is a blood incompatibility, the coombs test is repeated and a preventive injection for blood incompatibility is administered according to the result. Just before delivery, blood count, sugar and blood clotting tests should be performed. If there is a risky pregnancy, other tests may be added to these tests.