Urinary Incontinence (UI)

Urinary Incontinence can be briefly defined as the loss of bladder voiding control. Although this problem is frequently experienced by women, they find it difficult to share their complaints with the physician. This is because the problem causes problems in the continuation of their social life and they feel ashamed of having this problem. Although we persistently ask our patients who apply to our clinic whether they have these complaints, there is a problem in getting a clear answer. It is not an impossible problem to solve.

If you have a good dialogue with your gynecologist and the necessary examinations and tests are carried out, you can avoid this social problem. Women are twice as likely as men to experience this problem due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, vaginal delivery and the menopausal period.

In the 21st century, many effective treatment models have been developed for this condition, which is a social and hygienic problem due to the increase in life expectancy. The treatment methods to be applied are decided and applied by the physician depending on the patient’s complaints and health status. Our aim is to improve the quality of life of our patients.

The treatments recommended to patients by the physician should tend to start with the least interventional procedures. The treatment that may be appropriate for patients should start with bladder exercises that can be done by being informed by your physician in accordance with the diagnosis and avoiding foods and beverages that may irritate the bladder, and if no results are obtained, respectively; Medical treatment, electrical stimulations and finally, it should be terminated with the most appropriate surgical methods chosen by the surgeon for the patient. The basis of treatment is the correct diagnosis and the selection of the most appropriate treatment modalities that may be useful for the patient. The patient should share all kinds of problems with the physician safely and the most appropriate treatment for the patient selected by the physician should be applied.