Vaginal Bleeding

It is normal for women to have regular monthly vaginal bleeding. For every woman, there is a normal menstrual cycle that varies in duration and amount. The interval between these bleeding periods can be between 21 and 35 days. Menstrual bleeding can last for a few days or up to a week. The amount of bleeding can range from a few teaspoons to much more. To be called irregular or abnormal vaginal bleeding, there must be bleeding at a time other than menstruation, ranging from a very small amount of spotting to enough to completely wet the pad every few hours. We also consider menstruation that lasts for weeks as irregular bleeding. Unexpected vaginal bleeding indicates a problem with the vagina, cervix or uterus. It is important in every period of women, but it becomes especially important in postmenopausal women.

When to see a doctor

If you are not in menopause, spotting a few days before your period is not important and is quite common. When you start taking birth control pills, you may have spotting for the first few months. During menopause and if you are taking hormone therapy, you will have bleeding similar to menstrual bleeding. We call this withdrawal bleeding. If you have any bleeding other than this, you should see your doctor. If you are not taking hormone therapy during menopause and you have bleeding, you should definitely see your doctor. Newborn girls may have vaginal bleeding for a few days due to hormones passed from the mother. However, bleeding other than this should be investigated. Until puberty, vaginal bleeding in girls is also a condition that should be investigated.

Causes of Irregular Vaginal Bleeding

Menstrual irregularities

– Hormone disorders

– Vaginal infections

– Tumors, polyps and masses in the vagina, cervix, uterus and ovarian canals

– Defects in the cervix

– Cancers of the vagina, cervix and uterus

– Sexually transmitted diseases (such as gonorrhea, herpes in the sexual area)

– Traumas in the vaginal area

– Bleeding in early pregnancy

– Ectopic pregnancy

– Low

Can Irregular Bleeding Occur Even After Hysterectomy?

Yes. Bleeding can also occur after removal of the uterus and cervix due to some problems in the vagina. In some surgeries, the cervix is left and the uterus is removed. In this case, bleeding from the cervix may also occur. Treatment is necessary according to the cause.

Is Irregular Vaginal Bleeding Caused by Cancer

In most cases, cancer is not the cause of vaginal bleeding. It is usually due to hormonal disorders and other causes. In older women, cancer immediately comes to mind, but this is not always the cause.

What to do in case of irregular vaginal bleeding

First of all, know that there is no need to panic. Because most bleeding happens for simple reasons. Make sure you know whether your bleeding is coming from the vagina or rectum. Then make an appointment with your doctor and write down the days of bleeding and inform your doctor. If you are taking birth control pills or hormone therapy, talk to your doctor and follow his or her instructions. Another medication may be added or your treatment may change completely. Tell your doctor immediately if you are pregnant.