Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable, even if you don’t like it. However, it is important that you gain the ideal weight that is adequate for your baby’s growth and development and that will not cause problems for you to lose weight later on. There is no single approach to weight gain. Because many factors influence this. Your pre-pregnancy weight and the health status of you and your baby are all factors. Together with your doctor, you will determine the ideal weight you should gain. The ideal weight for low-weight pregnant women is between 14 and 18 kg. It is ideal for normal weight pregnant women to gain 12 to 15 kg. It is sufficient for overweight pregnant women to gain 7 to 12 kg and for obese pregnant women to gain 7 kg.
If you are overweight
Although being overweight is bad for your health, it is not appropriate to lose weight while pregnant. Even women who are overweight need to gain weight. If you gain more weight than recommended during pregnancy and still cannot lose it six months after giving birth, you are likely to be obese.
If you are underweight
If you are underweight, it is easier to gain weight during pregnancy, especially in the last trimester. However, your baby may weigh less than expected and may even be born prematurely.
What the weight gain consists of
Assuming that your baby was born 3.5 kg, you are surely wondering where the weight you gained goes. We have calculated it below;
Your baby 3- 4 kg
Growing breasts 1-1.5 kg
Growing uterus 1 kg
Placenta (Wife): 1-1.5 kg
Pouch liquid 1 kg
Increased blood volume: 1.5-2 kg
Increased fluid volume: 1-1.5 kg
Oil storage 3- 4 kg
When and How Much Weight to Gain
Most women do not need to gain weight in the first trimester. If you have morning sickness and vomiting, this is good news for you. One or two pounds is enough for the first few months. This can be achieved with an extra 150-200 calories a day. This is not difficult if you have a normal appetite. Weight gain in the second and third trimesters is more important and needs to be steady. It is enough to gain 1.5 kg per month until the birth. To do this, you will need to add 300 calories to your daily diet. More can be added if you are underweight.
Ideal Food List
It is very easy to add to what you normally eat. But it is important to choose what your baby needs. Avoid overeating and choose nutritious foods.
– Choose whole grain products.
– Eat more vegetables and salads.
– Eat fruit instead of cake and cookies.
Consult your doctor
Your doctor will closely monitor your weight as you go for check-ups. If there is a deviation from the target weight, you will be told what to do.
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