What is the Femilift Method

What is the Femilift Method?

The problem of vaginal looseness and urinary incontinence, which is a serious problem of all women in our country and in the world, seems to be history. So, how do these problems occur and how do they affect women’s lives? According to Gynecologist Dr. Murat Emanetoğlu, who we consulted, damage and weakening of collagen fibers that support the vaginal wall tissue occurs due to pregnancy, menopause or age. Accordingly, the vagina loses elasticity over time. This negatively affects sexual pleasure and life and puts negative pressure on the private lives of couples. Loss of elasticity may develop after childbirth or may occur due to the normal aging process. Apart from the fact that loss of elasticity is a serious problem in itself for women, they face another serious problem due to this loss of elasticity, whose medical name is Stress Urinary Incontinence, i.e. urinary incontinence. Stating that women with urinary incontinence after loss of elasticity in the vagina have to deal with recurrent vaginal infections, Dr. Murat Emanoğlu stated that this situation is extremely exhausting and stressful for women, except for the frequent use of antibiotics, and added, ‘Based on the socio-cultural structure of our country, there is no doubt that there is incredible pressure on women who have such problems’. The good news for our women is that it is now possible to relieve such problems with a newly developed medical technique. More importantly, this method minimizes the need for surgical intervention. The 10-minute outpatient treatment is a very important development and advantage for women. This new technology called Femilift is a revolutionary method in vaginal relaxation and Stress Urinary Incontinence problems and thickens and tightens the vaginal wall with collagen increase. Apart from vaginal tightening, the urethra is better supported due to the increase in collagen fibers in the pelvic floor muscles and the urinary incontinence problem either stops completely or decreases significantly to a level that the patient can no longer notice. ‘Women feel a difference immediately after the first session and the results increase in a short time. The number of sessions to achieve long-term results is determined by consultation. It usually varies between 2 and 4 sessions.’ Dr. Murat Emanetoğlu explains the importance of the Femilift method with the following words; ‘ Every medical method related to the vagina and surrounding tissue is inherently personal, sensitive and special issues for the patient and requires serious professional sensitivity and approach. Most of the patients suffering from these problems consult these issues and have difficulties in the process of finding a solution. At this point, the Femilift method is a very practical application that can be easily performed for our women without affecting their daily lives. The fact that it is an extremely comfortable application, that there are no side effects and that daily life can be continued is extremely important for our women in terms of protecting the privacy of private life, and no one needs to know. The fact that it is a short 10-minute, painless and comfortable application and that the results are pleasing and comparable to surgery increases its importance. I think it will take place as an application that gains importance among women and is frequently mentioned in the future. ‘ Dr. Murat Emanetoğlu, whom we consulted, stated that patients should first come to consultation to determine their suitability for this treatment. Saying that the application is short and painless and that the patient-specific disposable laser tip is first directed into the vagina, our doctor said that the laser is applied in all directions with the slowly retracted tip, but that no pain and pain is felt in any way, adding that the application is finished very quickly.

After the application, you continue your daily life. Stating that heavy sports for 3 days and sexual intercourse for 5 days should be avoided for precautionary purposes only, Dr. Murat Emanetoğlu stated that no restrictions or special care is required and that this is an important advantage for women compared to a surgical method. Considering the prevalence of vaginal deformation and urinary incontinence problems in women, Dr. Murat Emanetoğlu expressed the importance of the Femilift method with the words ‘I guess that in the next 5 years, it will be one of the indispensable and important applications of women, almost like Botox’. For long-term results, it was stated that 2 sessions will be sufficient for both vaginal laxity and urinary incontinence in most patients. If vaginal laxity is more serious, then 3 to 4 sessions are required. While each session interval is 4 weeks, private life is not affected while vaginal structuring continues. Although Femilift results vary from person to person, it maintains its effectiveness for at least 24 months. The good thing is that the treatment can be repeated without any problems when urinary incontinence or vaginal relaxation begins to be felt. You can either repeat the entire treatment if the results decrease over the years, or you can have a single session once a year to maintain the results obtained. According to Dr. Murat Emanetoğlu, the advantages of the Femilift method are not limited to these. If you have problems with dryness in the vagina or postpartum pigmentation, the Femilift method eliminates these problems. Lack of pain, spiral use, breastfeeding women are among the important advantages. It is recommended that a woman who has recently given birth should wait 3 months to have Femilift method. In this process, the vagina will recover naturally after birth, and the scars or tears will heal.

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