When going to the hospital for childbirth, except in emergencies

The hair on the front of the abdomen should be removed, the nail polish on the hands and feet should be removed, there should not be any metal on it (rings, earrings, etc.),
If you are going to give birth by caesarean section, you should have a light breakfast and drink 1-2 glasses of apricot juice 6-10 hours before the operation, and you should not eat or drink anything from 6 hours before the operation.
Hospitalization procedures should be completed by going to the hospital 2 hours before the operation time. For this reason, bring your identity card and private insurance card or documents with you. When you arrive at the ward, give your examinations and the preop order paper to the nurses. We remind you that you will be more comfortable in a nightgown and high-waisted panties than in pajamas and that you may need a dressing gown while walking around. don’t forget your prepared bag, video camera and camera!
Get well soon and good luck…
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