
How to know when labor has begun
1- Often there is a bloody slimy slippery discharge first, which is colloquially called an engagement or sign. It is the secretion that forms a natural plug in the cervix during pregnancy. In this case, it should be thought that labor may start within...
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Postpartum weight
Many new mothers continue to wear their maternity clothes after giving birth. Because they are comfortable and easier to hide the extra pounds. But we have good news for you. It is not that difficult to get rid of excess weight after giving birth. With...
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Postnatal care
Care after normal delivery When you conceived, you learned what will happen week by week and how the birth will take place. So what will happen after your baby is born? Let’s see what awaits you from now on. If you have had a tear during normal...
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Postpartum Exercise
Exercises for the buttocks – Lying on your back, bend and spread your knees so that your soles touch the floor. Tighten your glutes by lifting your thighs off the floor, stay in this position for 8 – 10 seconds. – In the all fours position,...
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Ectopic pregnancy
A normal pregnancy begins with the fertilization of an egg. This fertilized egg is called a zygote. The zygote normally attaches to the side of the uterus. In an ectopic pregnancy, the zygote implants elsewhere. The oviduct carries eggs from the ovaries...
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