
Diabetes in Pregnancy
DIABETES IN PREGNANCY (GESTATIONAL DIABETES) Diabetes is the most common medical complication of pregnancy. If diabetes is known before pregnancy, it is called pregestational or overt diabetes. However, if it is diagnosed during pregnancy, it is called...
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Prenatal Diagnosis in Pregnancy, Anomaly Screenings
Prenatal diagnosis is the science of identifying structural and functional abnormalities in the developing baby in the womb. A major anomaly is found in 2-3% of all newborns. Births with anomalies are both medical, social and psychiatric problems. Today,...
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Foot swelling during pregnancy
During pregnancy, swelling of the feet and ankles is quite common and usually disappears after delivery. You may notice that it increases later in the day and in hot weather. Let’s look at the factors that cause swelling of the feet and ankles during...
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Maternal Psychology During Pregnancy and Puerperium
Pregnancy and puerperium are markedly stressful periods that provoke mental illness. Any mental illness can recur or start anew during this period. The incidence of depressive disorders doubles during this period. Unfortunately, only 25% or even fewer...
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Air Travel during Pregnancy
There is no known harm from occasional air travel during pregnancy. Most airlines do not cause any problems for pregnant women up to 36 weeks of gestation. Some airlines may restrict international flights from earlier weeks and may require documents showing...
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