What is the Femilift Method

What is the Femilift Method? The problem of vaginal looseness and urinary incontinence, which is a serious problem of all women in our country and in the world, seems to be history. So, how do these problems occur and how do they affect women’s lives? According to Gynecologist Dr. Murat Emanetoğlu, who we consulted, damage […]

Vaginal Tightening with CO2 Laser Femilift

Information on Vaginal Tightening, Regeneration, Vaginal Dryness Removal and Urinary Incontinence Treatments with Female Genitalia CO2 Laser Femilift Enlarged female genitalia, urinary incontinence, vaginal dryness can cause problems both sexually, quality of life and hygiene. If it is of a size that requires surgical intervention, the procedure is in the group of minor procedures that […]

1st Trimester

Fetal Development First Trimester (First Three Months) First of all, congratulations. You are pregnant and expecting a baby. You are probably wondering how your baby is growing and developing. Here we will tell you how your baby develops week by week in the womb during the first trimester. Here you will find answers to all […]