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Fibroids are the most common uterine tumors in women. However, do not be frightened when you hear the word tumor. Because they are not cancer. Although half of women have fibroids, most of them do not know about it. Your doctor may discover them by chance...
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Breast masses can be one of many benign formations or a sign of cancer. However, there is no need to panic immediately. If you have symptoms such as a lump that you can feel in your breast or redness, swelling, changes in the skin, it is useful to see...
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The breasts are located on the pectoral muscles that wrap over the ribs. Each breast consists of 15 to 20 lobes. The lobes are also made up of smaller lobules. The lobules contain the glands that produce milk. Milk flows through thin ducts between the...
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How Should People with Osteoporosis Exercise?
Osteoporosis is the most important cause of limited mobility, especially in older women. To prevent this or to reduce the risk of fractures, exercise is the way to go. This is good if you are already physically...
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As a result of your examination, your physician may ask you to undergo a MAMAGRAPHY examination. We would like to inform you about this review and enlighten you about what you need to do before the transaction.
Mammography examination is an...
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