As a result of your examination, your physician may ask you to undergo a MAMAGRAPHY examination. We would like to inform you about this review and enlighten you about what you need to do before the transaction.
Mammography examination is an imaging method that should be performed at intervals determined according to the age of women and is used for early detection of breast diseases or to determine the cause of existing discomfort. The most important reason for this examination is the early diagnosis of breast cancer, which poses a great risk to women. For this reason, women after the age of 40 should go for a mammography check-up once a year or at the latest every two years. Mammography is a radiological examination and is performed in medical imaging and interventional radiology centers by physicians with specialized training in this field.
Both breast tissues will be examined in a special X-ray machine developed for this procedure. While you are standing or sitting, your breast will be placed on the appropriate part of the device and pressure will be applied with another part, while films will be taken with different tools. After the examination, it is possible, albeit rare, to feel pain in the breasts due to the pressure applied and it will disappear on its own in a short time. Your physician may sometimes require an evaluation with breast ultrasonography. You will receive the radiology report including your films and examination findings from the secretariat of the Medical Imaging and Interventional Radiology Center. You need to show them to your doctor who will ask you to do so.
Preparation for mammography examination:
– The best time for the examination is between the 3rd and 10th day of your period, taking the start of your period as day 1, but it can be taken at any time if necessary.
– Since small details are very important in the inspection, it is necessary to eliminate misleading factors. Do not use sweat, perfume, deodorant or powder.
– Do not forget to bring any previous similar examinations.
Please do not forget!
– Make the recommended preparation.
– Bring the request document written by your physician and your Private Health Insurance card if you have one.
– If you are coming by institutional referral, bring the necessary documents (your insurance card and request document).
– Bring your old radiological examinations with you, if you have any.