
Placenta Previa
Placenta Settling Down (Placenta Previa) It is a condition in which the placenta, the partner, is located lower down in the uterus, which can cause excessive bleeding. After fertilization, the placenta begins to form. The placenta takes oxygen and nutrients...
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Postpartum Depression
Childbirth is one of several important life events. Psychiatric disorders that occur after childbirth are usually divided into three categories: Sadness, depression and psychosis. It is important to note, however, that all three conditions are, along...
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RH Incompatibility
Rh protein is a protein on the surface of red blood cells. 85% of people have Rh(+) blood, 15% have Rh(-) blood. If the blood of an Rh(-) person meets Rh(+) blood, antibodies to Rh(+) are formed in the Rh(-) blood. In a marriage, if the woman’s...
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Changes that occur during pregnancy
During the adaptation of the body to pregnancy, anatomical changes, changes in blood values and physiological changes occur. These changes, which start with the appearance of the gestational sac and develop according to the week of gestation, return to...
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Sexuality in Pregnancy
In sexual intercourse, the penis is inside the vagina and does not go any further, i.e. it does not enter the cervix or the uterus, so sexual intercourse in an uneventful pregnancy does not harm the baby. The baby is inside the uterus, behind the tight...
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