Diabetes in Pregnancy (Gestational Diabetes)

Ten years ago, doctors used to tell late women with diabetes that it was not safe for them to get pregnant and advised them not to have children. The rapid advances in medicine have made it natural for young women with diabetes to give birth to healthy babies. During pregnancy, many hormones are produced in […]
Diabetes in Pregnancy

DIABETES IN PREGNANCY (GESTATIONAL DIABETES) Diabetes is the most common medical complication of pregnancy. If diabetes is known before pregnancy, it is called pregestational or overt diabetes. However, if it is diagnosed during pregnancy, it is called gestational diabetes. The incidence of gestational diabetes has increased by about 40% in the last 20 years due […]
Prenatal Diagnosis in Pregnancy, Anomaly Screenings

Prenatal diagnosis is the science of identifying structural and functional abnormalities in the developing baby in the womb. A major anomaly is found in 2-3% of all newborns. Births with anomalies are both medical, social and psychiatric problems. Today, many anomalies can be detected before the baby is born. Some of them can be treated […]
Foot swelling during pregnancy

During pregnancy, swelling of the feet and ankles is quite common and usually disappears after delivery. You may notice that it increases later in the day and in hot weather. Let’s look at the factors that cause swelling of the feet and ankles during pregnancy. When you are pregnant, your body produces and stores more […]
Maternal Psychology During Pregnancy and Puerperium

Pregnancy and puerperium are markedly stressful periods that provoke mental illness. Any mental illness can recur or start anew during this period. The incidence of depressive disorders doubles during this period. Unfortunately, only 25% or even fewer of affected women receive appropriate treatment. Pregnancy, however desirable, is stressful for most women. The response to stress […]
Air Travel during Pregnancy

There is no known harm from occasional air travel during pregnancy. Most airlines do not cause any problems for pregnant women up to 36 weeks of gestation. Some airlines may restrict international flights from earlier weeks and may require documents showing the gestational age. In these cases, the best approach is to call the airline […]
Bed rest during pregnancy

You may be advised by your doctor to take bed rest for a few days, weeks or even months for your health. This may sound really nice to you. Someone will take care of the daily chores for you and you can lie in bed and dream all day long. But then you will come […]
Identification of Genetic Diseases in Pregnancy

Dear prospective parents, The health of your unborn baby is one of the most important concerns during pregnancy. However, today’s advances in medical technology have enabled us to take detailed images of the fetus from the first weeks of pregnancy and offer many methods to monitor its development. Today, as in many modern health clinics, […]
Pregnancy Tests

If your menstruation is delayed and you also experience nausea, breast tenderness and weakness, you should take a pregnancy test. If you know how home pregnancy tests work and their reliability, you can evaluate their results more easily. How Pregnancy Tests Determine Pregnancy Once the fertilized egg is attached to the uterus, it starts to […]
Pregnancy and Hypertension

If you have hypertension and become pregnant, it requires special care. There are things you need to know for yourself and your baby. You may be lowering your blood pressure with diet and exercise or with medication. Either way, would it be safe for you to become pregnant? For most women, the answer is “yes”. […]