Sexuality in Pregnancy

In sexual intercourse, the penis is inside the vagina and does not go any further, i.e. it does not enter the cervix or the uterus, so sexual intercourse in an uneventful pregnancy does not harm the baby. The baby is inside the uterus, behind the tight and long cervical canal, which is closed by a […]

Nausea – Vomiting in Pregnancy

Until the 16th week, mild to moderate nausea and vomiting are common in pregnant women. It is most severe in the early morning but can occur at any time of the day. There may be aversion to certain odors and foods, from hair spray and deodorant to the smell of onion and garlic. The cause […]

Vaccination Recommendations During Pregnancy

Measles Not applicable in pregnancy Rubella Not administered in pregnancy. When applied to a non-pregnant woman, it is recommended not to become pregnant for 3 months. Mumps: Not applicable in pregnancy. Poliomyelitis (Polio): The oral vaccine is a live attenuated vaccine. The injection vaccine is an inactivated virus vaccine with increased efficacy. It is not […]

How Does Pregnancy Start?

Fertilization, when the egg and sperm come together to form a single cell, is the first event at the beginning of pregnancy. Fertilization occurs in the fallopian tubes. Over the next few days, this single cell divides into a multicellular cluster and the cluster of dividing cells travels through the fallopian tube into the uterus. […]

What to Do Before Conception

Preconception care, what to think and do when planning a pregnancy; If the pregnancy is not a surprise and the pregnancy is being prepared for in a planned manner, you should first consult your family doctor for a consultation or be examined by an obstetrician-gynecologist. The family doctor or obstetrician will ask questions about current […]

High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy and Preeclampsia

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE DURING PREGNANCY High blood pressure (the pressure that the blood exerts against the blood vessel wall with each heartbeat) is called hypertension. High blood pressure is also called hypertension. Severe or uncontrolled high blood pressure during pregnancy can have negative consequences for the mother and baby. Normal blood pressure means that the […]

How to know when labor has begun

1- Often there is a bloody slimy slippery discharge first, which is colloquially called an engagement or sign. It is the secretion that forms a natural plug in the cervix during pregnancy. In this case, it should be thought that labor may start within a few hours, a warm shower should be taken, nothing should […]

Postpartum weight

Many new mothers continue to wear their maternity clothes after giving birth. Because they are comfortable and easier to hide the extra pounds. But we have good news for you. It is not that difficult to get rid of excess weight after giving birth. With a healthy diet and regular exercise, you can easily return […]

Postnatal care

Care after normal delivery When you conceived, you learned what will happen week by week and how the birth will take place. So what will happen after your baby is born? Let’s see what awaits you from now on. If you have had a tear during normal labor or an episiotomy and stitches have been […]

Postpartum Exercise

Exercises for the buttocks – Lying on your back, bend and spread your knees so that your soles touch the floor. Tighten your glutes by lifting your thighs off the floor, stay in this position for 8 – 10 seconds. – In the all fours position, lift one of the legs tensely. Bend the leg […]