Cold Sores in the Genital Area

Herpes in the genital area is a sexually transmitted disease. It is felt as pain, itching and tenderness in the sexual area.

It is a disease caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV). It enters through abrasions and wounds on the skin or mucous membranes. The virus is spread through sexual contact.

Unfortunately, there is no definitive treatment for this distressing and embarrassing condition. However, if you or your partner has herpes in the genital area, you should take precautions to protect yourself and your partner and you will not have problems with sexual intercourse.

What are the Symptoms?

People infected with HSV are often unaware of it. Because it may not cause any symptoms. Usually, if there are symptoms, it’s like this;

Small, red bumps, fluid-filled blisters or open sores in and around the genital area

Pain and itching around the sexual area

The first symptom after sexual intercourse with an infected person is usually pain and burning in the genital area after a few weeks. A few days later, red bumps appear. These then burst and turn into sores, sometimes even bleeding. Eventually the wounds scab over and heal.

These sores can occur in the vagina, on the buttocks, around the anus and even on the cervix.

Urination is painful because of the sores.

When infected for the first time, headache, myalgia and fever, as well as swollen glands in the groin, may be present, just like the symptoms of a cold.

Will it be repetitive?

This will depend on the person’s constitution. Some people may not see it again for years. In others, it may recur every year. However, the frequency of attacks usually decreases over time. Many factors can trigger attacks;

  • Stress
  • Menstrual bleeding
  • Suppression of the immune system (may be due to reasons such as cortisone therapy, chemotherapy, AIDS disease)
  • Diseases
  • Surgeries
  • Fatigue

In some cases, the infection may be active and contagious even though there is no wound.

What is the Reason?

Two types of Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) cause genital herpes.

HSV Type 1 usually appears around the mouth during colds and fever. But it can also be transmitted to the genital area through oral sex.

HSV Type 2 is usually seen in the sexual area. It is transmitted through sexual intercourse and skin. Most people spread it easily because they do not have any complaints and do not know they have the virus. Outside the body, the virus dies immediately, so it is unlikely to be passed through the toilet or towels.

How is the diagnosis made?

If you suspect herpes in your genital area, see your doctor immediately. After the examination, your doctor will take a sample from this area and send it to the laboratory for examination and culture. A blood test can also test for herpes infection.

Since this disease is sexually transmitted, it is useful to investigate other sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea and AIDS.

What Can It Lead To?

In healthy people, it does not cause serious problems, except for sensitivity. It can increase the risk of contracting other sexually transmitted diseases.

If a pregnant woman has herpes in the genital area and these viruses infect the baby during childbirth, they can cause infection in the brain and damage it. It can lead to blindness or even death.

How is the treatment done?

There is no complete cure for herpes. However, antiviral drugs are used to try to make the attacks less frequent and milder.

Can it be prevented?

What needs to be done to prevent herpes in the genital area is the same as for other sexually transmitted diseases. This means using condoms during sexual intercourse and having fewer sexual partners. It is best to have only one sexual partner. It is especially important not to have sexual intercourse during the period of herpes.