Gynecological Examination

A gynecological examination is a form of examination that involves looking at and palpating the reproductive organs. Although it can be quite uncomfortable and embarrassing for most women, it is actually a very simple event. You may feel more comfortable if you know what your doctor is looking for during a gynecological examination. A Pap smear test to check for cervical cancer is also performed during the examination, although not always.

Who Should Have a Gynecological Examination

It is a routine procedure that should be done routinely for all women, whether they have complaints or not. The consensus is that the first examination should usually take place within the first three years of sexual activity or at the age of 21. Your doctor will tell you how often it should be, but usually once a year is sufficient.

How to prepare for a gynecological examination

There is no special preparation required for this. However, it is preferable to be on a day when you are not bleeding vaginally.

How to Perform a Gynecological Examination

A gynecological examination takes place in your doctor’s office, in a few minutes. During the examination, an instrument called a speculum is used. This instrument is used to look deeper inside the body to look for diseases that may require treatment, such as infection or cancer.

What to do during a gynecological examination

Usually your doctor will tell you what to do step by step. First, you must remove your underwear. Then you will be given a sheet or a piece of clothing that you can wrap yourself in for comfort. Before the gynecological examination, your doctor can listen to your heart and lungs and perform a breast examination. You will then be asked to lie down on the gynecological table for the examination. You will be placed on the metal bars in the corner of the table, which support your knees from below, with your feet up. You are asked to slide your lower body to the very edge of the table and spread your legs outwards at the knees.

Your doctor will first look at the outer parts to see if there are any abnormalities, discharge or swelling. He or she will then look in your vagina with a speculum. A speculum is a metal or plastic instrument that looks like a duckbill and is used to open your vaginal canal. Inserting this instrument can be uncomfortable for some women. Being as loose and comfortable as possible will help to reduce this discomfort. However, if you still feel pain, you should tell your doctor. If a Pap smear test is to be performed, a sample will be taken from the cervix before the speculum is removed and then the speculum will be removed.

After the speculum is removed, the internal organs in the lower abdomen will be examined. Since the uterus and ovaries cannot be seen, they are felt by hand to check for any abnormal structure. To do this, gloves are worn and two fingers are inserted into the vagina with a lubricant. The other hand gently presses on the lower abdomen to check the structure of the uterus and ovaries, looking for tenderness or abnormal structure. Sometimes, after this vaginal examination, a rectal examination may also be necessary.

What to Do After a Gynecological Examination

After your gynecological examination is over, you can get dressed. Your doctor will tell you if there is anything abnormal after the examination. If you have had a Pap smear test, the result will be available after a few days. Your doctor will tell you if any further procedures are necessary. Otherwise, he or she will tell you when you should come back for another gynecological examination. He or she will also answer any questions you may have. If you write down what you have in mind before coming to the examination, you will not forget to ask during this time. Please remember that having regular gynecological examinations is very important for you to stay healthy and to get early treatment if any problems are detected.