Kegel exercises strengthen the muscles that support the uterus, bladder and bowels. With these exercises, which are aimed at strengthening the muscles at the base of the buttocks, it will be easier for you to give birth and you will prevent problems that can occur as you get older, such as urinary incontinence. However, you must first learn to do the movements correctly. With pregnancy, childbirth, excess weight, chronic coughing and aging, the muscles at the base of the buttocks will relax. Some women may also have genetically weaker connective tissue. Thus, the uterus, bladder and some of the intestines in the lower abdomen can hang out of the vagina. Fortunately, it is now possible to prevent or delay this with Kegel exercises. Kegel exercises are also recommended during pregnancy. They are also included in sex therapies. It will help women who have problems reaching orgasm to be happier in sexual intercourse.
How should it be done?
At first, getting to know the muscles at the base of the buttocks will require some attention. Because it is important to learn how to contract and relax them. Try to stop when you urinate in the toilet. If you can do this, you can do the basic movement easily. If not, there is another way. Place a finger in your vagina and try to feel your vagina tighten by squeezing your muscles. You can feel the muscles at the base of the buttocks moving upwards. Then relax and feel these muscles move back down to the starting position. As you do this, your muscles will get stronger and you will be able to do the movements more easily. However, there is an important point you should pay attention to. When you urinate, do not make this movement a habit and do not do this exercise when your bladder is full. Because if urine remains in your bladder, it is easier to develop a urinary tract infection.
How to Improve Your Technique
After feeling the muscles at the base of the buttocks, empty your bladder and sit or stand. Tighten and relax the muscles at the base of the buttocks for five seconds, hold for five seconds. Do this four to five times in sequence. Then tighten for ten seconds and relax for ten seconds. Be careful not to twist your abdomen, buttocks and thighs while doing the movements. For maximum benefit, focus only on your vagina and coccyx area. Do not hold your breath. Breathe freely and remain calm. Repeat a set of ten Kegel exercises three times a day. The more often you do them, the easier they will become. It is also possible to place it among the routine things you do every day.
When will I get results?
If you do Kegel exercises properly, you can see results in eight to twelve weeks. You can get rid of your problems completely or at least prevent them from progressing. In addition to Kegel exercises, other body exercises will be necessary for a lifetime of healthy living.