Poorly controlled asthma threatens the health of both mother and baby. In a severe asthma attack, the amount of oxygen in the mother’s blood decreases. This reduces the amount of oxygen available to the fetus, which in turn reduces fetal weight gain.This is why a pregnant woman should receive oxygen therapy during an acute asthma attack.Your doctor may also order lung function tests and arterial blood gases.Most women are not comfortable taking medication during pregnancy. But if you have asthma, it is very important to control your condition.If you are pregnant, do not stop taking your asthma medication.
Some information about asthma in pregnancy;
– Consult with your doctor about the most appropriate medicines during pregnancy to control your disease.
– Take your medicines as prescribed by your doctor.
– Tell your doctor if your asthma worsens despite treatment.
– Avoid allergens that trigger asthma attacks such as cigarette smoke, dust and animal hair.
If you will be pregnant for more than three months during the flu season (between October and March), get a flu vaccine.