Pregnancy and Working Life

Many women continue to work during pregnancy. It is important to know the precautions that can make it easier for you to stay healthy and to do your job without interruption. You should also find out when your pregnancy could be affected by your work.
Reducing nausea and vomiting
This usually occurs in the morning but can occur at any time of the day. Pay attention to factors that can reduce nausea at work.
Stay away from things that can trigger nausea. Food odors in the office kitchen can trigger nausea. Make sure it is kept clean. Have a snack once in a while. Keep crackers and other such foods with you. Candy, lemon dragees and ginger tea are also helpful. Drink plenty of fluids. If you don’t drink enough fluids, your nausea can get worse. Keep a bottle of water at your desk at work and drink sips throughout the day. Take it easy in the morning. Rushing can increase your nausea. Give yourself extra time to do your work. Get enough sleep. The more tired you are, the more likely you are to feel nauseous.
Ways to cope with fatigue
You may feel sluggish at work and it can be difficult to take time to rest while you work. Take short but frequent breaks. Getting up and taking a walk, even if it’s just for a few minutes, is enough to revitalize you. Or turn off the lights, close your eyes and put your feet up. Adjust your schedules according to your situation. Your energy will fluctuate during the day. If you are very tired in the afternoons, move important work to earlier in the day. If you take a long time to recover in the morning, leave the hard work for the afternoon.
Reduce the amount of work you have to do outside. This way you will have more opportunities to rest outside your work. Order your groceries online, find someone to help you with household chores. Keep exercising. You may find it hard to exercise at the end of a tiring day, but remember that it will give you more energy. You can go for a walk or attend special fitness sessions for pregnant women.
Go to bed early. If you feel tired at 7pm, you can go to bed.
Remember that your comfort is important
As your pregnancy progresses, many daily activities such as sitting and standing will start to feel uncomfortable. Remember to take short but frequent breaks. Take a walk every few hours. This will help prevent edema and muscle spasms in your feet and legs. It is very important that the chair you sit in has appropriate armrests, seat and back support. This way, it will not be difficult for you to sit for hours. However, if it is not suitable, you need to find a solution. A small pillow to support your back, a footrest or box under your feet will be very useful.
Standing for long periods of time will cause blood to pool in your legs and cause pain and dizziness. It also increases the pressure on your lower back. If you have to stand for a long time, take turns resting one of your feet on a small stool or box. Also remember that your shoes should be comfortable. Pay attention to your lower back when carrying a load, even if it is light. When lifting objects, bend at the knees, not at the waist. Keep the object close to your body and lift it with the force of your legs, do not strain your waist. Do not rotate your body during lifting. If your item is too heavy, don’t even try, ask around for help.
If you have a stressful job
If your job is very stressful and takes all your energy, you should find ways to minimize it. Stay in control. Set a daily work schedule, prioritize and eliminate unnecessary tasks. Think positive. Try to find fun things to do and surround yourself with cheerful people in times of distress. Share your troubles with your friends. Don’t try too hard for things you cannot change, let things be. Stay calm. Practice relaxation exercises, breathing slowly, imagining yourself in a calm and beautiful place. Go to yoga classes for pregnant women.
Take the necessary precautions at work
Some workplace conditions can increase the risks of pregnancy. Risks include long and stressful commutes to work, standing for long periods of time, lifting heavy loads, constant exposure to vibration from large machinery, and exposure to harmful substances.
In addition, working in a shift system and working in conditions with hot weather can also lower your resistance. Jobs that require fast movement are also jobs that can cause problems during pregnancy. If you are working in such jobs, talk to your doctor and discuss what can be done during your pregnancy.
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