Preparing for Pregnancy

Pre-Pregnancy Period
The preconception period, also known as the preconception period, is a time when couples can prepare themselves physically and psychologically to have a healthy baby. During pregnancy, which begins with fertilization and implantation (attachment of the fertilized egg to the inner layer of the uterus), the cells that make up the baby’s organs divide and multiply rapidly and differentiate according to the organ systems they will form. Therefore, this first period of pregnancy when the baby’s organs are formed is very important. In order to spend this period in the healthiest way, the expectant mother should prepare for the nine-month gestation period starting two to three months before pregnancy.
Today the importance of the first weeks of pregnancy is better understood; in the first twelve weeks the baby’s organs are formed. Many women do not even realize they are pregnant until many of the baby’s organs have developed. The lifestyle of the expectant mother affects the developing baby. Couples who decide to have a child should review and adjust their lifestyle accordingly.
The period leading up to pregnancy is a good time to quit smoking. Despite knowing the harm of smoking, many people continue to smoke, and being responsible for the health of a baby makes expectant mothers try harder to quit smoking. Women who smoke are 25% less likely to conceive within one year than non-smokers. Smoking impairs egg quality, prevents pregnancy by making it difficult for the egg to fertilize and for the fertilized egg to attach to the uterus.
Women who smoke also have an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy. Nicotine causes small blood vessels to constrict, slowing down blood circulation in the body, which also affects the placenta, making it harder for oxygen and nutrients needed for the baby to develop to reach the baby. Smoking also disrupts the expectant mother’s nutrition, reducing the level of vitamin C in the body. Babies of women who smoke have low birth weight. In addition to low birth weight, developmental delay is also common in these babies.
Women who smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day during pregnancy have an 80% increased risk of preterm delivery. Smoking during pregnancy adversely affects the development and capacity of the baby’s lungs and causes the baby to face lung problems in the future. Children of women who smoked during pregnancy have been found to have learning difficulties during school. This is thought to be due to the exposure of the baby to carbon monoxide gas in the womb and the decrease in oxygen to the brain. The use of substances that facilitate smoking cessation during pregnancy, such as nicotine gum or nicotine patches, is not recommended.
Passive Smoking
Non-smokers can be exposed to cigarette smoke in restaurants, at work or even in their own homes. This so-called passive smoking harms pregnant women and their developing babies. Passive smoking also causes the baby’s birth weight to be low. To protect yourself from second-hand smoke, you should take care to sit in a well-ventilated area at work and at home. If your partner smokes, it is also very important for the baby’s postnatal health to quit smoking during this period.
Alcohol consumption should be avoided in preparation for and during pregnancy. Alcohol is excreted from the body of women in a longer period of time, alcohol should not be consumed from the pre-pregnancy period. Alcohol can cause congenital abnormalities. Diluting your alcoholic drink or eating something before drinking slows down your reaction to alcohol, but does not prevent it from passing to the baby.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Until now, fetal alcohol syndrome was thought to occur only in the babies of women who drank large amounts of alcohol during pregnancy, but it has now been shown that babies of women who drink less alcohol can also have such problems. Babies of mothers who drank a small amount of alcohol during pregnancy have low birth weight and growth retardation. If the amount of alcohol consumed daily is high, babies develop growth retardation, facial and ear defects, cleft palate and cleft lip, nervous system dysfunction, mental retardation, problems in tooth development, skeletal system disorders, heart, liver and reproductive system problems. These children may have behavioral disorders and hyperactivity at a later age.

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[/dt_sc_title_desc]Pre-Pregnancy Period
The preconception period, also known as the preconception period, is a time when couples can prepare themselves physically and psychologically to have a healthy baby…
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[/dt_sc_fancy_ul][dt_sc_image url=”9145″][/dt_sc_tab][dt_sc_tab icon_type=”image” title=”Beslenme” tab_id=”def1460100734-2-162f53-8b19″ image=”9123″ hover_image=”9122″][dt_sc_title_desc title_type=”title” title_align=”title-left” separator_align=”sep-bottom” title=”Nutrition During Pregnancy”]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sed sagittis nisi. Curab itur eget sagittis dui. In dignissim mauris augue

[/dt_sc_title_desc]Nutrition during pregnancy is much more important than nutrition in other periods. The baby has only one source of food; you. Nutrition during pregnancy is an issue that needs to be taken into consideration due to the growth and maturation of the baby and the needs of the mother.
Read more[dt_sc_image url=”9140″][/dt_sc_tab][dt_sc_tab icon_type=”image” title=”Premature Birth” tab_id=”1462262144490-4-02f53-8b19″ image=”9124″ hover_image=”9125″][dt_sc_image url=”9146″][dt_sc_title_desc title=”Preterm Birth”][/dt_sc_title_desc][/dt_sc_title_desc]All births that occur between 23-37 weeks before the due date are called “preterm births”. About 10% of births are preterm. According to the gestational week, the earlier the birth, the lower the survival rate of the baby.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sed sagittis nisi. Curab itur eget sagittis dui. In dignissim mauris augue

[/dt_sc_title_desc]It can be an informative article about baby care. It can be an informative article about baby care. It can be an informative article about baby care. It may be an informative article about baby care. It may be an informative article about baby care. It can be an informative article about baby care.
Read more[dt_sc_image url=”9147″][/dt_sc_tab][dt_sc_tab icon_type=”image” title=”Twin Pregnancy” tab_id=”1462262190949-5-12f53-8b19″ image=”9129″ hover_image=”9128″][dt_sc_title_desc title_type=”title” title_align=”title-left” separator_align=”sep-bottom” title=”Twin Pregnancy”]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sed sagittis nisi. Curab itur eget sagittis dui. In dignissim mauris augue

[/dt_sc_title_desc]If you have found out that you are pregnant with twins, you may be quite surprised. However, this condition occurs in three out of every 100 pregnant women.
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