What Causes Premature Birth?

A normal pregnancy lasts between 38 and 40 weeks. In order to be called preterm labor, the cervix must open before 37 weeks. This may scare you, but it is not the end of the world.

Why It Happens

The cause of preterm birth is not known exactly. But if you know the risks of preterm birth, you will know what to look out for.

Why It Matters

If it is not possible to prevent premature birth, your baby will be born too early. Babies born between 24 and 27 weeks have a chance of survival. However, they may have some health problems. These premature babies may develop low birth weight, breathing and digestive problems, underdeveloped organs, developmental problems and learning difficulties.

Who is at Risk

The most common cause is a previous premature birth. Other risk factors include;

Smoking or using addictive substances

Some infections, especially infections of the scrub water and the sexual area

Chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes

Being very underweight before conception

Twin or more multiple pregnancies

Problems with the uterus, cervix or placenta, i.e. the partner

Living a stressful life, such as the death of a loved one or experiencing violence

Multiple miscarriages

In fact, all pregnancies can lead to preterm labor. Indeed, only half of all women who give birth prematurely have a known risk factor.

Can Premature Birth Be Prevented

There are no guarantees, but there are things you can do to ensure that your pregnancy continues and ends in a healthy way.

Go for regular check-ups. This way your doctor will keep a close eye on you and your baby’s health. Tell him all your complaints and symptoms, even if they seem trivial or silly to you.

Eat a healthy diet. During your pregnancy, your need for folic acid, calcium, iron, protein and other essential nutrients will increase.

Be careful if you have a chronic illness. Chronic diseases such as high blood pressure or diabetes increase the risk of preterm labor. It is therefore important that your doctor keeps them under control.

Do what your doctor says. If you have any symptoms of preterm labor, your doctor will ask you to work less and stand less.

Stay away from risky things. If you smoke, quit. Avoid alcohol and addictive substances. Always consult your doctor before taking any medication.

Ask your doctor if you can have sex. In most healthy pregnancies, having sex is not a problem. However, it may be prohibited in some cases, such as vaginal bleeding or placental abnormalities.

Avoid stress. Ask for help if necessary.

Take care of your teeth. Brush and floss regularly every day. Visit the dentist at regular intervals and have your teeth checked. An association has been found between gingival diseases and preterm birth.

If you have already given birth prematurely or if you are at risk for premature birth, your doctor may recommend weekly progesterone hormone administration to prevent premature birth.

What are the Symptoms of Premature Birth

Symptoms may be mild for some women and marked for others. It is necessary to pay attention to the following;

Contractions more than six times an hour. You feel a strong contraction in the abdomen, similar to menstrual pain.

Discomfort, pain in the lower back.

Feeling of pressure in the groin.


Vaginal bleeding or spotting.

Vaginal discharge like water.

If this happens, especially if vaginal bleeding and contractions start, inform your doctor immediately. Do not worry that you will be unnecessarily upset. If there is no premature birth, everyone will be happy, don’t worry.

Can premature birth be stopped?

In some cases, drinking plenty of fluids and resting can stop contractions. It is especially good to lie on your left side so that blood can flow easily to the uterus. Sometimes bed rest is recommended, but this is not a treatment that can prevent preterm labor. Hospitalization is recommended. If you are hospitalized, you will be given IV fluids. Uterine contractions are monitored and the cervix is examined with ultrasound. Medication can be given to stop the contractions.

What happens if contractions continue

In the case of preterm labor towards the end of pregnancy, treatment is the first step. In most cases, however, labor cannot be stopped and if there are infections or other problems, it is better for both mother and baby that labor takes place as soon as possible.

If you are between 23 and 34 weeks pregnant, there are two types of treatment. You will be given medication to stop labor and steroid injections to help your baby’s lungs develop. After 34 weeks, steroid injections are not necessary because your baby’s lungs are better developed.

What happens during childbirth

Preterm labor is just like normal labor. If relaxation and breathing techniques are not enough, ask for help to reduce your pain.

A pediatrician will need to be present in the delivery room to see if your baby needs any support after birth.

How Recovery and Other Pregnancies Happen

Your physical recovery from preterm labor will be fine. However, it is the condition of your baby that will cause you problems. Premature babies usually require intensive care and hospitalization after birth. This is very hectic and stressful. Your loved ones and relatives will need to support you in this.

If you have given birth prematurely once, there is a risk that your next birth will also be premature. To reduce this risk, stay under the supervision of your doctor and you should also be alert to early signs.