
Depression in Pregnancy
In fact, while conception is something that most women want, it is not a reality for every woman. During this time, one in ten women may experience symptoms of depression. For many years it was thought that pregnancy hormones protected women against depression....
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Clinical solutions for a more feminine life, Painless and Trauma Free, Fast treatments with Instant Results What is Femilift FEMILIFT is a quick, safe, highly effective and minimally invasive laser-based solution for a variety of gynecological conditions...
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Exercise in Pregnancy
If you are healthy and your pregnancy is progressing normally, you can continue or start most types of exercise with only a few small changes. Physical activity does not increase the risk of miscarriage, low birth weight or preterm birth. The important...
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Pregnancies of Rh Negative Women
The Rh factor is a special antigen found in the blood. If an Rh-negative woman becomes pregnant by an Rh-positive man, she may have some problems. Your immune system makes antibodies against certain foreign substances (called antigens) that would normally...
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Development of the Mother's Body According to the Months of Pregnancy
First Months of Pregnancy 1st month of pregnancy First Signs of Pregnancy As a result of the changes in your hormones during pregnancy, you may experience one or more of the following, which decrease after the 12th week Delayed menstruation, breast enlargement,...
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