Ectopic pregnancy

A normal pregnancy begins with the fertilization of an egg. This fertilized egg is called a zygote. The zygote normally attaches to the side of the uterus. In an ectopic pregnancy, the zygote implants elsewhere. The oviduct carries eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. More than 95% of ectopic pregnancies occur in the oviduct. […]

Multiple pregnancy follow-up, delivery and postpartum

Multiple pregnancies account for about 3% of all pregnancies. The majority of these are fraternal twins and about 1/250 are identical twins. These rates may vary according to races and ethnic origin. Studies have shown that it is more common in those who have more than 2 births in pregnancies between the ages of 35-40, […]

Pregnancy risks in working women risk factors by sector

Ergonomic stressors: Standing for more than 3 hours. May lead to an increased risk of preterm labor. Daily rest periods reduce this risk. Pregnant women should be made to work sitting if possible. Pregnant or lactating employees are prohibited from manual handling, loading and transportation without a vehicle. Physical Agents : Heat Extreme heat or […]

If you no longer want children

Connecting the Tubes (Tubal Ligation) What is it? Tubal ligation is a simple, safe, irreversible and effective family planning method available to women. It is the surgical ligation of the tubes between the ovaries and the uterus. It does not affect sexual intercourse. What is not it? Tubal ligation is not menopause. After the tubes […]

What you want to know about anesthesia and your surgery

This article has been prepared to inform you about the situations you will encounter before and after surgery and what you need to do. Please read carefully. Getting ready for surgery Anesthesia : Many people think that the job of an anesthesiologist is to put the patient to sleep during surgery and to wake them […]


Amniocentesis is one of the prenatal tests that can provide important information about your baby’s health. But it is important to think seriously before deciding to have such a difficult test. Here is what you need to know if you have decided to have an amniocentesis. What is Amniocentesis It is a test performed during […]

Postoperative patient information

We are very happy that you are able to go home after your surgery. This booklet has been prepared to answer many of your questions, to help you recover faster, and to explain what you should do and pay attention to at home after surgery. Before you go home, your doctor or nurse will answer […]

When going to the hospital for childbirth, except in emergencies

The hair on the front of the abdomen should be removed, the nail polish on the hands and feet should be removed, there should not be any metal on it (rings, earrings, etc.), If you are going to give birth by caesarean section, you should have a light breakfast and drink 1-2 glasses of apricot […]

3rd Trimester

Fetal Development Third Trimester (Last Three Months) Your baby continues to grow and develop as your due date approaches. Let’s take a look at what will happen. Your pregnancy has started to count down. You are bored and want to see your baby as soon as possible. However, events are still going on in your […]

2nd Trimester

Fetal Development Second Trimester (Second Trimester) As your pregnancy progresses, you may have noticed that your baby is starting to look like a real person. You are amazed at how it changes from week to week. You can no longer fit into your favorite clothes because of your growing belly. As your body changes, your […]