Young Women’s Health

Adolescence Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to teenage girlhood. During this period, physical development and personality development are very rapid. This development starts at the age of 9-10 in girls and continues until the age of 18. During puberty, when the changes necessary to become a healthy woman take place, the brain […]
Urinary Incontinence (UI)

Urinary Incontinence can be briefly defined as the loss of bladder voiding control. Although this problem is frequently experienced by women, they find it difficult to share their complaints with the physician. This is because the problem causes problems in the continuation of their social life and they feel ashamed of having this problem. Although […]
Vagina Cancer

The vagina is a muscular, tubular structure that connects the external genitalia to the uterus. It is also called the birth canal. Cancer of this area is very rare. It is mostly caused by abnormal growth of cells on its surface. Although it can occur at any age, it is more common in women over […]
Premenstrual Tension Syndrome

Premenstrual Tension Syndrome If you have breast tenderness, emotional fluctuations, abdominal swelling, loss of appetite, overeating, sensitivity and depression during the premenstrual period, you may have premenstrual tension syndrome. An estimated 75% of women have some of these complaints. It tends to occur mostly between the ages of 20 and 40. Every time you have […]
Excessive Menstrual Bleeding

By excessive menstrual bleeding we mean excessive and/or prolonged vaginal bleeding. Almost every woman experiences excessive vaginal bleeding at some point in her life. In some women, this may even be their entire menstrual cycle. The normal menstrual cycle varies in every woman, but on average it occurs every 28 days. Menstrual bleeding lasts 4 […]
What is an Abnormal Pap Smear Result?

An abnormal Pap smear test result simply means that abnormal cells have been found in a sample taken from your cervix. Usually these cells are mild and do not mean that you have cancer. In fact, most patients with abnormal Pap smear tests may not need treatment. However, some of them require serious treatment, and […]
Vagina Infections (Vaginitis)

Vaginal infection is a disease characterized by redness, itching, discharge and pain in the vagina. It usually develops due to a disruption of the bacterial balance normally found in the vagina or an infection. Sometimes after menopause, it can also develop due to decreased estrogen levels. The most common causes of vaginal infection are as […]
Anesthesia Information Guide

You will need anesthesia for a diagnostic and/or therapeutic procedure. It has been prepared to inform about anesthesia practices at Anadolu Medical Center. When you make an Initiative Appointment When you are placed on the appointment list by your doctor for a diagnostic and/or therapeutic procedure under anesthesia, you will be directed to Anadolu Medical […]
Vaginal Dryness

If your vagina is not wet enough, you will feel itchy and uncomfortable. Your daily activities and sexual intercourse are not comfortable. Although this condition can be seen in women of all ages, it is especially pronounced in menopause. It occurs in 10 to 40% of women entering menopause. What are the Symptoms – Itching […]
Vaginal Bleeding

It is normal for women to have regular monthly vaginal bleeding. For every woman, there is a normal menstrual cycle that varies in duration and amount. The interval between these bleeding periods can be between 21 and 35 days. Menstrual bleeding can last for a few days or up to a week. The amount of […]