Preparing for Pregnancy

Pre-Pregnancy Period The preconception period, also known as the preconception period, is a time when couples can prepare themselves physically and psychologically to have a healthy baby. During pregnancy, which begins with fertilization and implantation (attachment of the fertilized egg to the inner layer of the uterus), the cells that make up the baby’s organs […]
Pregnancies Ending in Miscarriage

It is very sad when your pregnancy ends in miscarriage. We have some advice to help you cope with this sadness. It is not pleasant when your pregnancy ends, no matter when or under what circumstances. Your hopes and dreams for your unborn baby are completely shattered. You think you will never be the same […]
Birth Control Methods

What is birth control? Birth control (family planning) is a couple’s right to have as many children as they want and when they want. Uncontrolled, successive births, having too many children and terminating unwanted pregnancies by abortion cause physical and psychological harm to the mother. What should an ideal contraceptive method look like? An ideal […]
Postpartum Mental Disorders

Childbirth is one of several important life events. Psychiatric disorders that occur after childbirth are usually divided into three categories: Sadness, depression and psychosis. It is important to note, however, that all three conditions are, in the same direction, manifestations of a psychiatric spectrum of varying severity. The depressive state can range from the normal […]
Miscarriage During Pregnancy

A miscarriage is when pregnancy ends before the 20th week or when the baby weighs less than 500 grams. 80% of miscarriages occur before 12 weeks and the incidence of miscarriage decreases rapidly after this week. The cause of miscarriages in this period is mostly chromosomal abnormalities. As the age of the expectant mother and […]
Premature Birth

All births that occur between 23-37 weeks before the due date is called “preterm birth”. About 10% of births are preterm. According to the gestational week, the earlier the birth, the lower the survival rate of the baby. Causes – The baby’s partner is positioned so low that it blocks the cervix or separates prematurely. […]
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Symptoms Women with polycystic ovary syndrome show various cosmetic symptoms. In some people, these symptoms are mild and in others they are quite pronounced. Regardless of the severity of the cosmetic problem, the underlying cause is the same in all women with polycystic ovary syndrome and is a hormonal imbalance caused by a disorder in […]
In Vitro Fertilization

Infertility is a condition that affects many people throughout their lives. However, with the developing technology, many solutions have been produced for this problem. One of these solutions, IVF (in vitro fertilization), was developed for women with blocked or damaged ovarian ducts. What is In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)? The Latin term “in vitro” literally means […]
Having a Double Uterus

In the womb, the uterus of a female fetus begins as two small tubes. As the fetus grows, these tubes join together to form a large, hollow organ, the uterus. Sometimes the tubes do not join completely and each forms a separate cavity. This is called a double uterus. In a double uterus, they usually […]
Ovarian Insufficiency

Before the age of 40, the ovaries cannot function normally. This means that they cannot produce the hormone estrogen, which leads to infertility and other problems. This disease is very similar to early menopause. But the two diseases are not exactly the same. Women in early menopause no longer menstruate. In ovarian failure, however, they […]