Hot Flashes

Here are some things that will help you to get rid of this uncomfortable condition during menopause. At any time of the day, hot flushes come on, making your face flush and leaving you sweating. This happens to three out of four women during the transition to menopause. In fact, if it doesn’t bother you, […]

Urinary Incontinence

(STRESS INCONTINENCE) Urinary incontinence causes an annual cost of 10-20 billion in the USA. Adult women, middle-aged women and elderly patients complain of this problem. Stress incontinence is the most common type of urinary incontinence. ” “Stress Incontinence” is urinary incontinence due to increased intra-abdominal pressure. Examples include coughing, sneezing, laughing, heavy lifting and daily […]

Gynecological Examination

A gynecological examination is a form of examination that involves looking at and palpating the reproductive organs. Although it can be quite uncomfortable and embarrassing for most women, it is actually a very simple event. You may feel more comfortable if you know what your doctor is looking for during a gynecological examination. A Pap […]

Bladder Prolapse

The muscles and ligaments at the base of the buttocks support the organs in the abdomen, such as the bladder, uterus, small and large intestines. If the tissues supporting them lose their elasticity and strength, these organs can sag lower and even protrude outwards. In bladder prolapse, the bladder forms a swelling from the weakened […]


Menopause maintains its importance as a period in which women spend 1/3 of their lives in our country, where the average female life expectancy is approaching 80 years and the average age of menopause is 47. Menopause is a medical term for all the symptoms of menopause near or after the end of menstruation, which […]


Fibroids are the most common uterine tumors in women. However, do not be frightened when you hear the word tumor. Because they are not cancer. Although half of women have fibroids, most of them do not know about it. Your doctor may discover them by chance during a gynecological examination or ultrasound. Half to one […]

Breast Masses

Breast masses can be one of many benign formations or a sign of cancer. However, there is no need to panic immediately. If you have symptoms such as a lump that you can feel in your breast or redness, swelling, changes in the skin, it is useful to see your doctor. What are Breast Masses […]

Breast Structure and Cancer

The breasts are located on the pectoral muscles that wrap over the ribs. Each breast consists of 15 to 20 lobes. The lobes are also made up of smaller lobules. The lobules contain the glands that produce milk. Milk flows through thin ducts between the lobules towards the nipple. The nipple is located in the […]


How Should People with Osteoporosis Exercise? Osteoporosis is the most important cause of limited mobility, especially in older women. To prevent this or to reduce the risk of fractures, exercise is the way to go. This is good if you are already physically active. But if not, it is never too late to start exercising. […]

Breast Film (Mammography)

As a result of your examination, your physician may ask you to undergo a MAMAGRAPHY examination. We would like to inform you about this review and enlighten you about what you need to do before the transaction. Mammography Mammography examination is an imaging method that should be performed at intervals determined according to the age […]