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When pregnancy is decided, the expectant mother should consult a specialist physician 3-4 months before pregnancy to find out whether there are any problems that may pose a risk during pregnancy. For example; some infectious diseases such as rubella and...
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Taking antidepressants during pregnancy can be risky for your baby. But stopping your medication can also be risky for your health. Antidepressant medication is very important for most people with depression. They will reduce symptoms and make you feel...
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During pregnancy, expectant mothers can and should ask their doctorsif there will be any harm to my baby when using any medication. They should consult their doctor before using any medication other than folic acid, vitamin and iron supplements used during...
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Calcium is important for the development of your baby’s bones and teeth, which begin to form in the 8th week of pregnancy. During pregnancy, you need twice as much calcium as you normally need. Foods rich in...
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Pregnancy is a period in which both structural and functional changes occur in all organs of the woman. These major changes and hormonal fluctuations cause radical changes in the skin. We have to take precautions from the very beginning of pregnancy and...
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